

GraphcoreのGraph Compile Domain (GCD)

@Vengineerの戯言 : Twitter
SystemVerilogの世界へようこそすべては、SystemC v0.9公開から始まった 


で、今回は、これ。Poplar のページにある。記録のために、この部分を引用します。

Multi-IPU Scaling & Communication

Poplar takes on the heavy lifting, so you don't have to, in a world of growing model sizes and complexity:

High bandwidth IPU-Link™ communication, fully automated and managed by Poplar, treats multiple IPUs like a single IPU compute resource
Graph Compile Domain (GCD) allows a single application to be programmed against multiple IPU processors, enabling both data parallel and model parallel execution
Model sharding allows the simple splitting of applications across multiple devices
Combining sharding with replication allows you to take code data parallel with minimum effort
Advanced model pipelining lets users extract maximum system performance to run large models fast and efficiently


Poplar scaling

 Graph Compile Domain (GCD) というのが、複数チップでモデルを動かす時に各チップで動く単位なんでしょうかね。