

Halide 2019/08/27

@Vengineerの戯言 : Twitter
SystemVerilogの世界へようこそ、すべては、SystemC v0.9公開から始まった



New features since last release include:

  • Generate custom pytorch ops from Halide pipelines
  • Automatic differentiation of Halide pipelines
  • A Webassembly backend
  • A Direct3D backend
  • An opt-in caching allocator for cuda to reduce the amount of time spent in cuMemAlloc, cuMemFree
  • float16 and bfloat16 support
  • Faster compilation of very large pipelines
  • New ways to assert properties of arguments, including unchecked assertions, and more aggressive simplifications that exploit these
  • The ability to place Funcs in stack/heap/shared/register memory explicitly with store_in
  • Runtime configuration of Generator inputs/outputs
  • Support for DMA transfers on Hexagon
  • Generate python extension modules from Halide pipelines
  • Lower overhead when calling realize repeatedly on small pipelines
  • Optional strict floating point semantics for single expressions or entire pipelines
  • Producer-consumer task parallelism with Func::async
  • Numerous improvements to Halide::Runtime::Buffer. Consider replacing your custom halide_buffer_t wrappers with it.
  • Many many more small improvements and bug fixes (it has been a while since our last release)


  • Generate custom pytorch ops from Halide pipelines
  • Generate python extension modules from Halide pipelines

Halidenoパイプラインを PyTorch / Python から使えるようになったのね。

PyTorch のコードは、これですね。

Halide/CodeGen_PyTorch.cpp at master · halide/Halide · GitHub


Halide/apps/HelloPyTorch at master · halide/Halide · GitHub


Halide/PythonExtensionGen.cpp at master · halide/Halide · GitHub