引用 ・Intel Quartus® Prime design software ・Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ ・ModelSim*- Intel FPGA Edition software on the Nimbix* cloud platform. The new cloud service features Intel Arria® 10 FPGAs and enables you to conduct design intensive work ranging from FPGA evaluation, to designing with register-transfer level language (RTL), or using OpenCL for accelerating workloads running on FPGAs. You can compile, develop, test, and deploy your FPGA design on the Nimbix cloud.で、Amazon EC2 F1と同じ感じですね。。。
Quick Start Guideは、何故か?ページ無いよ。。。
引用 PushToCompute ($10.95) Developer subscription to build and deploy applications on the Nimbix Cloud. This is a monthly recurring charge and is required if you wish to create applications and workflows. For more information: https://jarvice.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cicd/