



    JAX is built atop the same tracing library used within Autograd,
    which, being designed for self-closure, recognizes its own operations as primitives. 
    JAX also has Numpy’s numerical functions among its primitives. 
    As a result, it generates code for Python functions written in familiar Numpy 
    and that involve arbitrary-order forward- and reverse-mode automatic differentiation. 

    On the back end, JAX uses XLA for array-level program optimization and code generation. 
    Whereas other systems focus on providing easy access to a fixed set of hand-written, 
    target-specific numerical kernels, 

    JAX provides a means of composition for all of XLA’s supported target architectures: 
    by trace-compiling PSC routines, JAX automatically stages out new kernels from existing ones.
    The acronym JAX stands for “just after execution”, 
    since to compile a function we first monitor its execution once in Python.

JAX とは、just after execution だと


バックエンドに、XLA を使う と

Cloud TPU でも動くって、おまけに、スケールするって。。。