SuperVessel Developer Cloudにて、色々やっていたみたいで、
・Emergency Prediction on Spark: Antonio Carlos Furtado from the University of Alberta predicts Seattle emergency call volumes with Deep Learning on OpenPOWER ・Medical Ultrasound on CAPI: South China University accelerates Delay-and-Sum with POWER and CAPI-attached FPGAs to bring more speed to Cloud-based medical imaging ・OpenRBC Simulation: Brown University gets closer to cracking the code on Red Blook Cell disorders using computational models on OpenPOWER. ・TensorFlow Cancer Detection: Altoros Labs brings a turbo boost to automated cancer detection with OpenPOWER. ・ArtNet Genre Classifier: Praveen Sridhar and Pranav Sridhar turn OpenPOWER into an art connoisseur. ・Scaling Up and Out a Bioinformatics Algorithm: Delft University of Technology advances precision medicine by scaling up and out on OpenPOWER.
Medical Ultrasound on CAPI、Youtubeのビデオもあります。
残念がら、capi-accelerator 部は、FPGAのROMデータでした。
Medical Ultrasound on CAPI、Youtubeのビデオもあります。
残念がら、capi-accelerator 部は、FPGAのROMデータでした。