

PGI Community Edition, 2017.10

 ・PGFORTRAN™ native OpenMP and OpenACC Fortran 2003 compiler.
 ・PGCC® native OpenMP and OpenACC ANSI C11 and K&R C compiler.
 ・PGC++® native OpenMP and OpenACC ANSI C++14 compiler.
 ・PGI Profiler® OpenACC, CUDA, OpenMP, and multi-thread graphical profiler.
 ・PGI Debugger® MPI, OpenMP, and multi-thread graphical debugger.
   Open MPI version 2.1.2 for 64-bit Linux including support for NVIDIA GPUDirect. 
   GPUDirect requires CUDA 7.5 or later. Note that 64-bit linux86-64 MPI messages are limited to < 2 GB size each. 
   As NVIDIA GPUDirect depends on InfiniBand support, 
   Open MPI is also configured to use InfiniBand hardware if it is available on the system. 
   InfiniBand support requires OFED 3.18 or later.
 ・MPICH libraries, version 3.2, for 64-bit macOS development environments.
 ・ScaLAPACK 2.0.2 linear algebra math library for distributed-memory systems for use with Open MPI, 
  MPICH or MVAPICH, and the PGI compilers on 64-bit Linux and macOS for Intel 64 or AMD64 CPU-based installations.
 ・Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 MS-MPI Redistributable Pack (version 4.1) for 64-bit development environments 
  (Windows only).
 ・BLAS and LAPACK library based on the customized OpenBLAS project source.
 ・A UNIX-like shell environment for 64-bit Windows platforms.
 ・FlexNet license utilities.
 ・Documentation in man page format and online PDFs.
とありますね。Community Editionだけでないが。。。
