S5227 - Financial Risk Modeling on Low-power Accelerators: Experimental Performance Evaluation of TK1 with FPGAs
S5429 - Creating Dense Mixed GPU and FPGA Systems With Tegra K1 Using OpenCL
S5686 - Enabling Coherent FPGA Acceleration
S5694 - Key-Value Store Acceleration with OpenPOWER
S5695 - FPGA Acceleration in a Power8 Cloud
S5705 - Data Center and Cloud Computing Market Landscape and Challenges
S5429 - Creating Dense Mixed GPU and FPGA Systems With Tegra K1 Using OpenCL
S5686 - Enabling Coherent FPGA Acceleration
S5694 - Key-Value Store Acceleration with OpenPOWER
S5695 - FPGA Acceleration in a Power8 Cloud
S5705 - Data Center and Cloud Computing Market Landscape and Challenges