先週開催されたGTC 2015関連を集めてみました。
マイナビ、GTC 2015 - 「ディープラーニング」にGPUの未来を賭けるNVIDIA
マイナビ、GTC 2015 - NVIDIA、7TFlopsの演算性能を実現したハイエンドGPU「Titan X」を発表
北森瓦版、GTC 2015で次世代GPU―“Pascal”の詳細が明かされる
PC Watch、【速報】NVIDIA、最上位GPU「GeForce GTX TITAN X」を発表
マイナビ、GTC 2015 - NVIDIA、7TFlopsの演算性能を実現したハイエンドGPU「Titan X」を発表
北森瓦版、GTC 2015で次世代GPU―“Pascal”の詳細が明かされる
PC Watch、【速報】NVIDIA、最上位GPU「GeForce GTX TITAN X」を発表
GTC 2015: GPUs Fuel the Rise of Deep Learning (part 1)
GTC 2015: 10X Growth in GPU Computing (part 2)
GTC 2015: Introducing the GeForce GTX TITAN X GPU (part 3)
NVIDIA SHIELD launch at GDC 2015: Great Games (part 4)
GTC 2015: The Big Bang of Deep Learning (part 5)
NVIDIA SHIELD launch at GDC 2015: GRID 2 racing showcase (part 6)
NVIDIA SHIELD launch at GDC 2015: GRID store games (part 7)
GTC 2015: NVIDIA DRIVE PX Self-Driving Car Computer and Deep Learning (part 8)
GTC 2015: NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang Interviews Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk (part 9)
GTC 2015: 10X Growth in GPU Computing (part 2)
GTC 2015: Introducing the GeForce GTX TITAN X GPU (part 3)
NVIDIA SHIELD launch at GDC 2015: Great Games (part 4)
GTC 2015: The Big Bang of Deep Learning (part 5)
NVIDIA SHIELD launch at GDC 2015: GRID 2 racing showcase (part 6)
NVIDIA SHIELD launch at GDC 2015: GRID store games (part 7)
GTC 2015: NVIDIA DRIVE PX Self-Driving Car Computer and Deep Learning (part 8)
GTC 2015: NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang Interviews Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk (part 9)
Creaing Dense Mixed GPU and FPGA Systems With Tegra K1s Using OpenCL & CUDA
Evaluation of the Jetson TK1 Development Board for Power and Performance
zFAS the Brain of piloted Driving and Parking
Evaluation of the Jetson TK1 Development Board for Power and Performance
zFAS the Brain of piloted Driving and Parking