

OpenVINOのDeep Learning Workbench

 ・Added Deep Learning Workbench Profiler for neural network topologies and layers

 ・Added new non-vision topologies: GNMT, BERT, TDNN (NNet3), ESPNet

 ・Introduced new Inference Engine Core APIs. Core APIs automate direct mapping to devices, 
    provide Query API for configuration and metrics to determine best deployment platform.

 ・Added Multi Device Inference with automatic load-balancing across available devices for higher throughput.

 ・Serialized FP16 Intermediate Representation to work uniformly across all platforms 
  to reduce model size by 2x compared to FP32, improve utilization of device memory and portability of models.

 ・Model Optimizer

  Renamed Intel® experimental layer Quantize to FakeQuantize 
  and ONNX Intel® experimental operator Quantize to FakeQuantize.

 ・Multi-Device plugin
  Automatic inference load-balancing between multiple devices
