

CUDA 11 RCの中の L2 persisting access 用API

@Vengineerの戯言 : Twitter
SystemVerilogの世界へようこそすべては、SystemC v0.9公開から始まった 

CUDA 11 RC が公開されたようです。

気になっている「3.2.3. Device Memory L2 Access Management」を

A portion of the L2 cache can be set aside to be used for persisting data accesses to global memory. Persisting accesses have prioritized use of this set-aside portion of L2 cache, whereas normal or streaming, accesses to global memory can only utilize this portion of L2 when it is unused by persisting accesses.

 APIを使って、L2としてどの程度 persisting にするかを指定できる。

cudaStreamAttrValue stream_attribute; // Stream level attributes data structure
stream_attribute.accessPolicyWindow.base_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr); // Global Memory data pointer
stream_attribute.accessPolicyWindow.num_bytes = num_bytes; // Number of bytes for persistence access.
// (Must be less than cudaDeviceProp::accessPolicyMaxWindowSize)
stream_attribute.accessPolicyWindow.hitRatio = 0.6; // Hint for cache hit ratio
stream_attribute.accessPolicyWindow.hitProp = cudaAccessPropertyPersisting; // Type of access property on cache hit
stream_attribute.accessPolicyWindow.missProp = cudaAccessPropertyStreaming; // Type of access property on cache miss.

//Set the attributes to a CUDA stream of type cudaStream_t
cudaStreamSetAttribute(stream, cudaStreamAttributeAccessPolicyWindow, &stream_attribute);


それから、MIGでは L2 persisting access は使えない。MPSでは環境変数CUDA_DEVICE_DEFAULT_PERSISTING_L2_CACHE_PERCENTAGE_LIMITを使って制御する。

When the GPU is configured in Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) mode, the L2 cache set-aside functionality is disabled.

When using the Multi-Process Service (MPS), the L2 cache set-aside size cannot be changed by cudaDeviceSetLimit. Instead, the set-aside size can only be specified at start up of MPS server through the environment variable CUDA_DEVICE_DEFAULT_PERSISTING_L2_CACHE_PERCENTAGE_LIMIT.


