昨日、Groqの 2nd Gen System と 3rd Gen System の妄想をしましたが、Groq は既に V3 LPU の検討を始めているようです。
Responsibilities & opportunities in this role:
- Build and lead a team to model performance autonomously from the Software Team
- Lead a matrixed team to enable SW/HW co-optimization across system/chip/SW
- Help drive v3 chip architecture through a solid understanding of Groq's software and hardware
- Develop the Design System Exploration (DSE) tool for performance analysis and exploration of both chip and system.
- Evaluate the benefits of new technologies on Groq System and help guide implementation
- Provide what-if scenarios / continuous guidance directly to CEO & OG.
- Define custom solutions for high profile customers
追加資金も調達したので、現在開発中、いや評価中だと思う V2 LPU の次の準備を始めたっぽいですね。