

Intel HLS Compiler

Intel HLS Compilerがベータ版として利用可能なようです。

Intel(Altera) SDK OpenCL for FPGAの時はOpenCLだけでしたが、C/C++をサポートします。

 ・Uses untimed ANSI C/C++ as the golden design source
 ・Allows users to quickly explore multiple architectures through high-level directives
 ・Simplifies tool usage by inferring design intent from high-level constraints
 ・Supports verification of RTL by comparison with the original C/C++ source model
 ・Generates reusable IP for system integration using Qsys
 ・Supports inference of streaming, memory mapped or wire interfaces
 ・Performs device specific timing driven schedule optimization 
  and technology mapping for Intel FPGAs
 ・Supports industry standards including ac_int datatypes and TCL

職もありますよ。: FPGA High Level Design Team Developer、もちろん、トロントです。

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