

ONNX Working Groups[Announcement-ONNX-working-groups-established [Announcement] ONNX working groups established]


ワーキンググループが出来たことにより、ONNX は業界標準になりますね。きっと。

となると、NNEF 1.0は、どうなっちゃるんですかね。。

    The goal of the group is to enhance ONNX to support quantized data types 
    and operators on a variety of runtimes and hardware devices.

  RNNs and Control Flow
    The goal of the working group is to enable dynamic control structures 
    including support for RNNs—beyond optimized GRU and LSTM implementations—that are used in applications 
    such as NLP and video analysis. Through standardizing the representation of control flow operations, 
    the group will create a common representation and push forward the flexibility 
    and performance of models that use control flow.

  Test and Compliance
    The goal of the group is to ensure models using the .onnx format, meet and comply with the ONNX specification. 
    The Test and Compliance working group will create tools, 
    tests and apis to provide interoperability across the ecosystem.

    The goal of the group is to explore the possibility of expanding ONNX to support training as well as inference.