IWOCL & SYCLCON 2023 の Archive が公開されたので、記録として残します。
Video & Slides が公開されています。
下記のように、Conference Sessions においては、Video & Slides が公開されています。
Tuesday 18 April, 2023 | Full Day Tutorials
- Tutorial 1: Introduction to SYCL
- Tutorial 2: SYCL Techniques and Best Practices
Wednesday 19 April, 2023 | Conference Sessions
- Welcome
- SYCL State of the Union
- Experiences Migrating CUDA to SYCL: A Molecular Docking Case Study
- SYCLomatic Compatibility Library: Making Migration to SYCL Easier
- Porting SYCL accelerated neural network frameworks to edge devices
- Performance Evolution of Different SYCL Implementations based on the Parallel Least Squares Support Vector Machine Library
- Panel Discussion: Machine Learning with OpenCL and SYCL
- One Pass to Bind Them: The First Single-Pass SYCL Compiler with Unified Code Representation Across Backends
- Implementation Techniques for SPMD Kernels on CPUs
- Accelerating Simulink/Matlab projects with SYCL
- Evaluation of SYCL Suitability for High-Performance Critical Systems
- What’s New in SYCL for Safety Critical Systems
- Panel Discussion: OpenCL and SYCL
Thursday 20 April, 2023 | Conference Sessions
- Welcome and An Introduction to the use of SYCL at the Cambridge Open Zettascale Lab
- Transforming Fortran weather and climate applications to OpenCL using PSyclone
- Comparing the Performance of SYCL Runtimes for Molecular Dynamics Applications
- Particle track reconstruction on heterogeneous platforms with SYCL
- Stellar Mergers with HPX-Kokkos and SYCL: Methods of using an Asynchronous Many-Task Runtime System with SYCL
- VkFFT and beyond – a platform for runtime GPU code generation
- Towards Deferred Execution of a SYCL Command Graph
- A SYCL Extension for User-Driven Online Kernel Fusion.
- Towards a SYCL API for Approximate Computing
- Towards Alignment of Parallelism in SYCL and ISO C++
- Standardizing complex numbers in SYCL [
- Awards and Closing
OpenCL/SYCL 結構盛り上がっていますね。。。
Codeplay Software Limited の 「Accelerating Simulink/Matlab projects with SYCL」がなかなか興味深かったです。