

Xilinx SDAccellのサンプルコード

AES Decryption: Optimized implementation of an AES-128 ECB Encrypt in Software, followed by OpenCL Decryption.

Bitcoin Miner: This is a patch and build infrastructure for building the bfgminer application.

Edge Detection: Implementation of a Sobel Edge Detector.

Hello: Hello application demonstrating the use of printf in a kernel.

Histogram Equalizer: Optimized implementation of a 12-bit histogram equalizer.

Huffman Codec: Optimized implementation of Huffman encoding/decoding algorithm.

Median Filter: Optimized implementation of a median filter for image noise reduction.

Nearest Neighbor: Optimized implementation of nearest neighbor linear search algorithm.

RSA: Optimized implementation of the RSA decryption algorithm.

SHA-1: Optimized implementation of SHA1 secure hashing algorithm.

Tiny Encryption: Optimized implementation of the tiny encryption algorithm.

Vector Add: Example of vector addition in OpenCL.

Vector Dot Product: Example of vector dotproduct operation.

Vector Mult/Add: Reuse of data stored in the DDR across kernels in different binary containers.

Watermarking: Example of image watermarking.

この中で、Nearest Neighbor Linear Search Exampleカーネルコードは、OpenCLではなく、C++のコードですね。

 # Kernel Definition
 create_kernel krnl_linear_search -type c
 add_files -kernel [get_kernels krnl_linear_search] "krnl_linear_search.cpp"

こちらC++カーネルコードで、Vivado HLSのプラグマいっぱいですよ。