Multi-Level Intermediate Representation Overview The MLIR project aims to define a common intermediate representation (IR) that will unify the infrastructure required to execute high performance machine learning models in TensorFlow and similar ML frameworks. This project will include the application of HPC techniques, along with integration of search algorithms like reinforcement learning. This project aims to reduce the cost to bring up new hardware, and improve usability for existing TensorFlow users. Note that this repository contains the core of the MLIR framework. The TensorFlow compilers we are building on top of MLIR will be part of the main TensorFlow repository soon.
とあり、MLIRとは、Multi-Level Intermediate Representation ということ。
The TensorFlow compilers we are building on top of MLIR will be part of the main TensorFlow repository soon.
今のところは、LLVMIRへのパスのみですね。XLA HLO, TF Lite, Swift SILも出てきますかね。。。