@Vengineerの戯言 : Twitter
SystemVerilogの世界へようこそ、すべては、SystemC v0.9公開から始まった
Pytorch/XLA v1.5.0 がリリースされていますね。
You can try out PyTorch on an 8-core Cloud TPU device for free via Google Colab, and you can use PyTorch on Cloud TPUs at a much larger scale on Google Cloud (all the way up to full Cloud TPU Pods).
ということで、無償の Google Colab でも使えるようですね。
Colab で動かすときは、こちら。
- Getting Started with PyTorch on Cloud TPUs
- Training AlexNet on Fashion MNIST with a single Cloud TPU Core
- Training AlexNet on Fashion MNIST with multiple Cloud TPU Cores
- Fast Neural Style Transfer (NeurIPS 2019 Demo)
- Training A Simple Convolutional Network on MNIST
- Training a ResNet18 Network on CIFAR10
- ImageNet Inference with ResNet50