AI at the Very, Very Edgeに出てきた、GreenWaves TechnologiesのGAP8がなかなかいい感じ。
WikiChip : GAP8 - GreenWaves
・1+8 high performance extended RISC-V ISA based cores. ・1 - A high performance micro-controller ・8 - 8 cores that execute in parallel for compute intensive tasks ・A hardware Convolution Engine (HWCE) for Convolutional Neural Networks based applications. ・A level 2 Memory (512KB) for all the cores ・A level 1 Memory (64 KB) shared by all the cores in Cluster ・A level 1 memory (8 KB) owned by FC ・A smart, lightweight and completely autonomous DMA (micro-DMA) capable of handling complex I/O schemes. ・A multi-channel 1D/2D cluster-DMA controls the transactions between the L2 Memory and L1 Memory. ・A rich set of peripheral interface ・2 programmable clocks ・Memory Protection Unit
GAPuino GAP8 development board (開発ボード単体)は、100ユーロ。