引用 10X better productivity and IP reuse. The technology separates functionality from implementation, and provides re-targetable high-level IP. 5X faster and better verification. This is due to the use of fast transaction-level modeling (TLM) and a consistent verification platform. 20% better quality of results (QoR) for power, area, and performance.
引用 The webinar also discussed the benefits of HLS for verification and the ability to reuse testbenches across different levels of abstraction. You start with very high-level TLM models and then substitute pin-level interfaces for the TLM interface. Finally you reuse the same testbench for RTL verification.
ここに、Software Driven Verificationを適用すれば、Accelaration, Emulation, FPGA Prototype, Real Machineまで同じテストプログラムが再利用できます。