

SystemC Japan 2015のことが

Cadenceのブログ、Hot Summer for the High-Level Synthesis Communityを流し読みしていたら、
なんと、後半にSystemC Japan 2015のことが。
A few weeks later, at SystemC Japan 2015, there was another flurry of high-level synthesis activity. Fujitsu Laboratories Limited explained their HLS methodology resulting in a 30% man-hour reduction for development of H.265 IP that was more flexible and extensible than RTL-based IP.

KYOCERA Document Solutions, Inc., long time HLS users, explained how they used they extended their SystemC methodology to architectural exploration by using the object-oriented features of C++. Makes sense…after all, SystemC is just a C++ class library, so you get those benefits, too.

Ricoh Co., Ltd, talked about their experiences in the differences between software and hardware designers, leading to better and more efficient cooperation between them in a hardware flow that starts with a software language (again, SystemC is C++).

Finally, there was a spirited panel discussion titled, “Is SystemC IP really necessary?” with panelists from Adapt-IP, Inc., Socionext, Sony, and Toshiba Information Systems discussing if, when, and how SystemC IP should be created, used, distributed, and licensed. That is very similar to the Intel poster at DAC, but from more of a business end than technical.
