@Vengineerの戯言 : Twitter
SystemVerilogの世界へようこそ、すべては、SystemC v0.9公開から始まった
Xilinxが Faclcon Computing Solutions を買収
Faclcon Computing Solutions は、昔、Xilinxが買収してAutoESLを創業した人の会社。いろいろを調べてみたら、すごかった。
— Vengineer@ (@Vengineer) 2020年12月2日
Aplus Design Technologies (acquired by Magma)
AutoESL (acquired by Xilinx)
Neptune Design Automation (acquired by Xilinx)
Falccon Computing Solutionsは、2014年創業。
2016年2月29日の THE NEXT PLATFORM の記事。
One can imagine how a company like Falcon Computing, which is one of only a few focused on bringing low-level capabilities for FPGA with a higher-level interface might be attractive to the handful of FPGA makers. We know that Cong’s previous startups have often found a home at Xilinx, but it is worth questioning what tooling Intel will need to buy into (if at all) to support its FPGA initiatives over the next few years. In other words, we would not be surprised to see Falcon gets snapped up by Intel—or by Xilinx or others at some point in the near future.
そして、FalconのCEOである Dr. Peichen Pan は、下記にあるように AutoESL から Xilinx 、Xilinx では、AutoESL を Vivado HLS にして、そして、Falcon に。つながりましたね。
Dr. Peichen Pan, CEO さん
— Vengineer@ (@Vengineer) 2020年12月2日
Dr. Pan joined Falcon from Xilinx where he led the development of Xilinx market-leading Vivado HLS product. Prior to Xilinx, he was VP of Engineering at AutoESL Design Technologies (acquired by Xilinx)