D => PLI Wrapper => CのPLI => Verilog HDL Simulatorで、繋がるようです。
下記にあるように、Verilog HDL だけでなく、VHDLやSystemCでもOKになるようです。
引用 Compatibility with other Languages Vlang is highly compatible with other languages commonly used in simulation and verification process. ・C/C++/SystemC: D is ABI compatible with C/C++. By the virtue of this Vlang is interoperable with C/C++/SystemC and Vlang with C/C++/SystemC will create one single executable after linking. ・Verilog/SystemVerilog: Vlang implements VPI interface of Verilog Standard and hence Verilog models can be integrated seamlessly with Vlang. ・VHDL: Vlang implements VHPI interface of VHDL Standard and hence VHDL models can be integrated seamlessly with Vlang. ・MATLAB: Golden models written in MATLAB can be seamlessly integrated with Vlang through matlab-mex interfaces.